A collective noun for Court Presidents?

The penultimate session at the FIDE 2014 Congress (FIDE is the Federation Internationale de Droit Europeen) was a session involving a large number of judges. It's not necessarily obvious here, but left to right you have Julia Laffranque, Estonian judge at the Court of Human Rights (at the lectern), Giuseppe Tesauro, judge at the Italian Constitutional Court, [two academic colleagues, one acting as moderator], and then Vassilios Skouris, President of the European Court of Justice, Andreas Vosskuhle, President of the German Federal Constitutional Court, Jean-Marc Sauve, President of the French Conseil d'Etat, and Pauliine Koskelo, President of the Finnish Supreme Court.

You'll not be surprised to hear, with these dignitaries on the platform, that the panel overran somewhat.

Finished now, and on my way home after an exhausting but actually quite rewarding conference (my expectation were, to be frank, low, but they were considerably exceeded). Yesterday was particularly exhausting but it had some highlights.

I literally had to drag myself out of bed this morning, and after breakfast I eyed up some comfy (and funky) chairs in the lobby before deciding that my work ethic was too strong for me to 'cut' a conference session.

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