
We saw Sherlock Holmes today. It was reasonably entertaining, mostly due to some inspired action set-pieces and the brilliant pairing of Robert Downy Jr. and Jude Law. The story was a little basic but I wasn't expecting The Prestige so can forgive Guy Ritchie on that aspect. I do wonder though if he'll ever make a film as good as Lock Stock again.

The 36-seater VIP cinema costs 100LE per ticket which takes care of those pesky youths and families who cannot afford such luxury. The seats are massive and allow you to adopt pretty much any position you like making it the most comfy cinema experience I've ever had.

I took this photo in the interval, which there is really no need for. People out here can't seem to go more than an hour without having a piss or smoking a fag it; hence the mid-film interruption. It would be too much to ask of them to check their messages and missed calls during the break rather than during the film, of course.

Spooky Sign Part II. (You've kind of got to watch Spooky Sign first.)

Walk like an Egyptian

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