
By Sparkey

Two Bridges

I can't believe it's been nearly three months since my last Blip. I'm seriously disgusted with myself. A combination of work and a complete lack of inspiration have meant that my camera has been sorely neglected. The poor wee thing even had dust on it! Oh the humanity!

Well, I got a text from the Big Man asking if I fancied going to South Queensferry to take some photos. He wanted to get some shots of the bridges with his new wide-angle lens. "Perfect," I thought, "an excuse to (literally) dust off the camera!"

I decided to use the opportunity to play about with HDR. I've tried it a couple of times before without much success, so was keen to give it a go again. I was pretty happy with the results (large version here) and I've posted the rest on my Flickr.

I have to give a big thank you to MrGU82 who gave me some invaluble tips. Cheers mate!

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