
By cowgirl


We went to Compton Abbas airfield today to show Amanda ( the pilot ) the picture I blipped yesterday. She was delighted with it and took a copy for herself and one to put on the wall in the office. Hopefully other people will like it so much that after they've had a flight in the plane they will want to buy a print of it too. I hope so for Sav's sake. It's time he was able to get some financial gain from his talent. I really don't want him to be one of those artists who are only recognised after they've popped their clogs!

The airfield is about 10 minutes from Louise and James's farm, so we went there for a cup of tea. It was milking time for them, so after the tea, we took Jack for a walk. I had a load of plane shots that I was going to take a blip from, but I just love the look of total fixation on Jack's face as he stares at a stick until someone throws it for him!

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