
By Jaxter46

New essential

and its a bit nice too.

Still helping even though she's no longer here

Thanks Mum

Perishingly cold this morning -6. I stuck my nose out the door and tested how icy it was.
Solid ice greeted me on the pathway not much I could do really, got ready and left . Once I got my 'ice legs' I was away and down the hill in record time. Bus was only 5 mins late at least it came.

Not everyone had made it to work, side roads a nightmare only main roads gritted. Day spent making sure people were safe getting to their place of work.

Got Ellis tomorrow, he won't be going to nursery as all schools are closed as they are in lots of places, I'll have to walk down to the main road to get him as Natalie will not get up to my place. Looking forward to seeing him not really seen him since he moved before Christmas, fun things planned

Couple of glasses of wine tonight and a little bit of a catch up, flights to Poland booked looking forward to it

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