
Been at home all day again apart from venturing out to take James to school this morning which was a horrible driving experience which I didn't want to repeat. Had to repeat it this afternoon to pick him up. ANd its looking like I will have to do the same, as school is open tomorrow, despite the roads around here (and around school) being risky to say the least.

Did lots of work though, and treated myself at 3pm with a walk down through the forest paths near home. I was chasing the light really - wonderful blue skies, sun starting to sink a little and the light was reflecting beautifully off the snow.

Had a major issue deciding what to post tonight ...the rest are here. Took some comedy shots of birds having a bath in our gutters, random icicles which looked like upside down snail heads and far too many HDR shots of the path - 120 processed in all - whittled down to 17 on the linked set.

In other news - some little scrote knocked the head off our snowman this afternoon, whilst I was upstairs in the office. No respect. Head has been replaced on the snowman, a head will be removed if I find the little bugger that did it. Heard footsteps...thought it was Corin coming home.

Thanks for all the comments yesterday...went with my gut reaction when choosing yesterday ...have done the same today.

PS -15 at 11pm outside our front door. Brrrrrrr

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