My guitar hero.

Busy doing his ten minutes a day. I've told him I expect him to be a guitar genius by the time he is 16 - I have a strong desire to retire early and future fame and fortune of my only child might be the only way!!!

It's been an interesting day. To be honest, it could have been the worst day ever, but I was given some faith in karma and justice this afternoon on hearing the news relating to a conviction relating to MP's expenses. I will say no more!

Great win on the final test - gutted I wasn't able to stay up to listen to it last night, but sleep was necessary.

Other than that, the high points of my day involved a poncho made of bubble wrap which entertained and amused a group of my students, and a reminder that young people often have quite strong views in relation to justice and crime. Doing a lesson today about Crime and Punishment with a group of younger students, it was suggested that a suitable punishment for shoplifting might be the chopping off of hands. I was asked whether the death penalty was still in place and swear I heard a little sad "awwwwww" of disappointment when I said it wasn't. Also, most of them felt that prison was the only answer to any crime. Discussions, lively at times, ensued and some broadening of understanding and perspectives occurred. It was a really enjoyable lesson. I have sent them away to find out about unusual/strange laws from long ago that are still technically in place - I told them some of Fisherking's examples from the Christmas period!

Others are here.

I was going to open a bottle of wine, but inexplicably, for another night, I have developed really bad indigestion/heartburn. Every night since before the Christmas holiday. I'll not chance the Grenache Shiraz then. Peppermint tea for me.

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