You wouldn't...

have needed this to hear my heart beating this afternoon around 5.20pm.
It was pounding. Out of fury and the realisation that I narrowly escaped a serious car accident by about a metre.

Here starteth the rant....

Why do some people not understand that when a traffic light turns to amber, before red, it is a WARNING for them to slow down in readiness to stop? More importantly, why, oh why, oh why, when a light is RED and has been red for 10 seconds, as I had watched it turn red, would you think that it is OK to ignore the light and come tanking through it in your white 4x4 pick up truck? Why would that be OK, when my light turned to green a few seconds earlier and I have looked right, and CHECKED that there was no-one there, and it is my right of way? Did you not see the brightly coloured lights on sticks and all of the cars in the inside lane who were not moving? Where the hell did you come from as well - because you must have been going at some speed.

I can only hope that you had to go home and change your pants, because you KNOW how close you came, because you looked me right in the eyes when you stopped short of piling into the side of my car right where I was sat, and it's fortunate that I WAS paying attention and reacted quickly as you came through those lights. I was close enough to wind my window down and touch the bonnet of your death machine. Wouldn't surprise me if you had been on your mobile phone or sending a text message. Drunk? Drugs? Or just a really really bad driver?

Words fail me. I still am furious that people can be so inconsiderate on the roads. What's the hurry? Is it worth causing a serious accident, or worse still, killing someone, just because YOU need to get somewhere quickly? That's not my problem - but it so nearly was tonight.

My boy had it right - "should have got out of the car and punched him, Mum".

I loathe driving at times, not because of the driving, but because people like you are likely to be the death of people like me.

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