Schoolgirl error

For one apparently blessed with intelligence, sometimes I can be exceptionally dim.
After a busy morning and early afternoon of domesticity i.e. cleaning and cooking, I decided to pile into the car and drive to a location where I knew I would get some cracking views.
Half an hour later, I've set my tripod up, lens cap off, power on ....

"No card" appears on my view screen.


Many times did I utter expletives as I trudged back to my car.

Maybe tomorrow instead, although that will mean that I need to do some work tonight to get a job done for Monday.

I'm off to sit in the corner with my dunce hat on.

(The observant amongst you might notice that my hair is attempting to be curly. This is another one of my errors from today - not drying my hair. So now I look like a poor imitation of a bad eighties soft rock singer!)

NB: I really did type up a document with that text on it, and sat in my front room with the self timer running off hundreds of shots till I got one that worked without me looking like a psychopath.

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