I'm giddy...

with excitement as my parcel of gadgetry and trickery has been dispatched...so maybe tomorrow when I get home, more likely Tuesday, I will have sumptuous new toys to play with so that I can indulge my desire to see beyond what my eyes and camera will currently let me see.

In addition, I have also discovered and downloaded Amazon's free Kindle app for my PC and my HTC. So now I am off to read some of my new book on Astrophotography and get myself prepared.

This startrail is not the best - I think the cat might have wandered into the tripod at some point and slightly knocked it. But, the clouds made such a wonderful pattern, it was my favourite.

There are some others here - not star trails - constellations and such like.

Have a good week folks.

PS - thanks for the comments of support, and laughter, from yesterday's ID 10 T error.

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