If I could just rewind 24 hours

and wave a magic wand, then today would have been a better day than it was.
After an already 'difficult' day, a monster headache started around lunchtime, develop into flashing lights on the drive home.

I arrived home and I ignored the large parcel containing my new toy and went straight to bed for two hours. I only woke up because another bout of heartburn/reflux started. Head still hurt.

Went to Asda. Bought Zantac and some 4Head stuff. Came home. Took ibuprofen. Headache is now being kept at bay 2 hours later.

In the meantime, Corin built my brand new toy.

You know what though, today, I'm just not feeling it.

Realised today that some things are far more important than others. So, appreciate the people around you folks, tell them you care and make the most of everyday.

I'm off to bed.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better in so many ways.

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