Flower Innards Times Three

Besides going to church, a nice long afternoon nap, and mowing a few lawns...I was a Sunday sluggard.

Sometimes we need days like that. A time to relax and refresh.

I did try out my new extension tube for my camera. The poor mans macro. I'm just not sure I would get my moneys worth out of a real macro lens. We shall see. Since I was in my back yard...the mosquitoes would only let me take a few shots. Blood thirsty suckers...that's what they are.

That's going to be my first question to God. WHY? WHY? WHY? Why the skeeters?

2nd question. Maggots...Did you have to make maggots? And...did you have to give them that smell?

3rd question. Justin Beiber. Seriously? Can we at least deport him back to Canada?

Hope to catch up soon. Behind again. Hope everyone has a great week.

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