New clematis - Florida Sieboldii.

This morning MaggieD and I took a run up to Stirling to see the twenty-one gun salute for the anniversary of the Queens coronation. Well not much to see; just a puff of cordite smoke followed by a thumping great bang. The guns were up inside the castle ramparts and not visible from down below. Nothing like the Royal Horse Artillery doing their stuff in London!
As we were close, we carried on round to a well known garden centre where we picked up some compost, gravel chips and a couple of clematis (should that be "clematii" or "clemates"?) for the back wall of the garage. Planting them up was accompanied by much chirping and chattering from out blue tits. The chicks are getting quite mature judging by their cheeping and may well fledge in the next day or two. We will be on "Predator Watch" until they are safely away.

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