My Best Efforts - Year 3



............Whilst sweeping the front path early this morning, I felt I was being watched - it felt quite spooky! Looking around, I couldn't see anyone but the feeling continued - another look and I saw this cat squatting under the front of a neighbours car - absolutely still - but fixing his eyes on me and watching every move. Although I love all animals, I'm more of a dog person than a cat one - but his absolute stillness fascinated me. (and he is rather nice looking!)

BOUI regarding cats seems appropriate:-

1) Dogs have owners - cats have slaves!

2) In the time before stories were written in books, a princess was given an impossible task. She was ordered to spin 10,000 skeins of linen thread in 30 days, or else the prince she loved would be put to death. The imprisoned princess had only her three cats for company.
In desperation, she asked them to help her. The three cats and the princess worked night and day and finished the chore in the allotted time. The cats’ reward was the ability to purr, a sound somewhat like the whirring of the spinning wheel.

3) In the Islamic community, cats were respected and protected at least in part because cats were loved by the Prophet Mohammed.
According to folklore, Mohammed's cat once fell asleep on the sleeve of his robe, and rather than awake the cat, the Prophet cut off the sleeve of his robe


Anni is on one of her half missions today - no flying involved so she should be back late this afternoon.

I have an appointment with a Cardiologist tomorrow at 5pm - hopefully a decision will be made regarding our proposed holiday in the USA so PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for me. If she isn't working, I hope Anni will come with me for moral support!

I was delighted to discover my entry for MonoMonday:Three got into the Spotlight yesterday - thank you so very much for all the comments, stars and a couple of hearts that made this possible! It never ceases to be a bit of a thrill!!

What a gloomy morning - though the forecasters say it will improve - there is a slight breeze and it's not cold - 59 Deg.F.

Have a good Tuesday.

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