
By middaypyjamas

Head Scratcher

I know I’ve posted a few insect/arachnid blips lately but when I saw this guy while trying to photograph one of the potted succulents found in my backyard I couldn’t resist! Look at him! It wasn’t an easy shot to get either, thanks to the little guy being camera shy. Although I can’t really blame him considering the lens that I was not very politely sticking in his face was about ten times the size of him! Every time I placed the camera in front of him he shot around to the other side of the branch, then I moved to the other side of the branch, and back he went again. I must of scared him something silly, poor thing. It wasn’t until he climbed to the top of the branch where his web was that he found the courage to face the camera and me, no doubt trying to defend his home. I got some lovely shots in before finally giving him some peace and leaving him alone. Aside from this blip I also got one where he was rubbing his first two feet together, giving him a very Mr Burns look, but I couldn’t avoid using this shot where he’s scratching his head as though thinking ‘How am I going to get this idiot and his camera away from my home’.

Aside from harassing spiders I also went into work today and finished my TV pitch bible! I will be very happy to hand that in on Friday when I go into uni. This evening I’ll be having a few drinks with my favourite twin brother Jonathan as he has the day off work tomorrow.

- Damian

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