
By middaypyjamas


This is the photo I was attempting to get yesterday before one adorable spider came into my view. This succulent plant is one of the few we have in our "backyard" that Holly and her Mum kindly put in to spruce it up. I use the quotation marks because the backyard is quite small and literally all concrete with a hills hoist washing line in the middle of it taking up quite a bit of room (although it is surprisingly good for drying clothes). I point all this out to show that it's not overly appealing area but simply by putting down a layer of pine bark and then placing the potted plants on top, with a rock border around the whole thing, it really does make the back yard actually seem like a back yard! As well as invite some wildlife as we saw in yesterday's blip.

After a night out last night, I had a morning in today. I skyped with Holly before finally forcing myself out of bed at around nine. Then Jonathan, who stayed over, and I walked across to the cafe near my house. It's called Lolo and Wren and really is an excellent cafe. Then we wondered on home and watched a film called The Spectacular Now, which was quite good.

Jonathan went home a bit after that but we both spent our afternoons working on the same project. We've found a small writing competition for us both to enter, where you have a nine hundred word limit and can win two hundred bucks. It's a bit of fun, but to add to it we've each given the other stipulations for the story we'll each write. These include a general type of location, a character (age, gender, and one characteristic about them), a theme, and then one additional detail they have to include in the story. For Jonathan story I gave him, a smaller coastal town, where the character is basically a female version of himself, the theme of persistence leads to success, and the extra detail being that the town is currently going through a bit of a pestilence problem. For me he gave an outer city suburb that's a bit scummy, a male character around our age who is a people pleaser, the theme of it's best to be honest, and that the story has to involve a car accident at some point. I'm really looking forward to working on it as it's more of a fun and laid back project than the writing I've been doing recently, mostly because I won't be getting graded on this one...I think.

Anyway that's probably enough blip writing, time to do some story telling!

- Damian

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