Wake Up ............

............. and smell the daisies!!

A very quickly grabbed shot of Shadow Dancer in the back garden this morning ....

From a "mini-mission" yesterday to a "maxi-mission" today, tomorrow and Friday.
One thousand miles, three countries and two flights.

Mum has a hospital appointment at 5pm this evening so I will be setting off on the first part of the drive after I have been there with her, hotel north of the border tonight, long drive in the morning then a two hour flight, another hotel on foreign shores and then flight back on Friday afternoon and the drive home. All good fun!

I suspect, after speaking with the cardiologist this evening, we will find out for sure if Mum will be able to take our planned trip to Oregon and Hawaii .... please send positive vibes, positive thoughts and keep your fingers crossed for her :-))

Thanks so much for all your comments, stars and a couple of hearts on my Clematis Cushion yesterday - basked in the spotlight for a very short while which makes for a happy face!!

No on-the-day blip tomorrow and possibly not on Friday either ~ no room for my laptop and I don't have an iPad/iPhone ..... but I will be taking whatever camera I can squeeze into my carry-on bag.

Have a great run-up to the weekend everyone.

~ Anni ~

NIKON D5200 : f/5.6 : 1/80" : 300mm : ISO 200

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