Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Round or Square?

In years past, the fields on my way to work were mostly populated by huge square bales of the several hundred pound variety. Stacked neatly in courses six high, they resembled small homes and were a favorite place for hawks to hang out, eyeing field mice and such.

This year I am noticing more and more round bales of the 600-800 pound size. I'm not sure what the transition means, if anything.

On our farm we only made square hay bales of the 40 - 50 pound variety, so admittedly, I am no expert in the large bale arena. Perhaps my Dad would have used a round baler if he could have afforded one, but somehow I doubt it. He had a square-form baling machine that worked (for the most part) so why even consider anything else?

Pretty sure he would have said round or square, the cows and heifers don't care.

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