
By elfin

Pin cushion

So today I tried acupuncture for the first time - a couple of people had suggested it as one way to get labour going and my physio recommended a good acupuncturist so I thought it was worth a try. Not sure where I stand on the efficacy or otherwise of it but figured it was worth a try. And whilst it hasn't bought on labour it wasn't too bad. Had needles in my lower back (which were quite painful going in) apparently to stimulate my womb then ones in my hands, knees and feet to bring my energy downward (see typing that makes it sound like a load of mumbo jumbo!!). Wasn't an unpleasant way to pass an hour I suppose. The acupuncturist then recommended going for a walk so I did a couple of miles including a big hill - felt I had more energy and breath than before so perhaps the baby has finally started to drop.

Back home got a spurt of energy so did some housework before suddenly going really tired so had a lovely afternoon snooze. When the fella got home had more energy so together we tackled cleaning the kitchen windows which we've been meaning to do for ages. Is this nesting?

And as I didn't have cake today, had to send the fella out to McDs for a McFlurry!

Today's help the baby along tactics: raspberry leaf tablets (extra one taken), acupuncture, long walk, ball bouncing and window cleaning.

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