Packed house

Today and much of early next week will take place mainly on the bee journal as I need to get a move on.

However after Sepp's visit and delivery of plants, they also need to find a home. The greenhouse is packed with wild seededmdill from last year. Angie likes dill but always forgets it and in particular Mr&MrsB were loyal customers last year but this year....? I managed to offload a ssprig a week ago when I took around some bee equipment supplies I had got him and pleaded they created a dish soon that needed lots of dill....Nowt, zero, niente, zilch. nothing. Perhaps they have to visit IKEA and buy some salmon first.

Now the dill has the sword of Damacles hanging over it...the tomatoes can stay in their pots a few more days and then it's the compost heap (or the freezer iof they haven't totally shot their bolts by then.

Angie popped over to Hawangen to see friend Albert leading a local parade, driving his two horse carriage full of the local big wigs, well the mayor of the 1300 inhabitant village and the president of the shooting club probably.

I was on my bee/honey trip and so tied up.

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