As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Band, Books, And Badminton


I spent some more time with Mr. Brown trying to get this speech written. It's going to be terrible and I hope I can just get through it quickly.

I saved Ms. Romano in gov this morning.

Jaclyn came with me to get my hair cut this morning during enviro. It was definitely needed.

More wasted time.

I miss band a lot.

Mike and I won our first badminton match against Ari and Kenny B but we lost to Sammi and Olivia right afterwards. Oh well.

I drove Sammi, Jac, Kelly, and Jess to Barnes & Noble for the English Department Fundraiser. It went really well and it was nice spending time with the English teachers.

Dinner at Panera with Jac was lovely.

Home to play a little League before bed.

Photo credit to Jac. She took this while I was driving us home.

Tomorrow, I will receive my Wantagh Senior High School yearbook.

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