As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Wake Up

I'm trying really hard not to start with "Today was a weird day", but today was definitely a weird day.

Today is Jess' birthday, and I love her very much.

Courtney and I played a piece for the Concert Band this morning in preparation for our performance on Tuesday night. It was well-received and I think Tuesday will go swimmingly.

Had a nice chat with KP over breakfast second period (sorry Mr. Naughton).

I practiced cello in the band room for a bit before I was interviewed by News12's Ken Grimball about this very journal. It was nice to finally have a chance to really explain why I'm doing this. I pulled up some past entries in one of the computer labs and then "took a physics test" and had a photo shoot with Arianna, Bridget, and the birthday girl. Good times all around.

I've yet to see my segment (it's now 12:14 a.m.) but I'm looking forward to it.

Really enjoyable World Lit class today.

Sporcle in calc, and Dunkin with Jac and Bridget before getting our yearbooks. Weird.


Mrs. Arcuri hosted a lovely shindig at Gino's for the 2014 Board. I tried white pizza for the first time and it was great.

^Things like that will probably seem silly when I read these in the future.

I picked up Max and brought him to my house to hangout for a little bit before collecting kids from around the neighborhood to ride to the beach with us. Sean and Brent ended up coming with us and we had a really nice ride down to the beach as the sun was starting to dip down. Beautiful. This is a still from the video I took on the ride there. Brent's face was too good to pass up on.

Jess, the photo shoot pictures didn't come out as planned, so please don't be offended that I didn't choose to use one for your birthday today.

We explored a little at the beach before a smooth ride back. We went to Max's to barbecue, but after discovering that none of us knew how to start the grill, we opted to make pasta instead. That we can do. KP and Jac came to Max's to chill with us, and then Steve ended up coming, too. What a great assortment of people. I had a great night and I hope that everyone else did as well.

Sorry for not being able to come Brandon. Maybe next time.

We're really lucky that we live where we do. Wantagh rocks.

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