As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Dean Day

Dean is so great.

Happy birthday, Walsh!

I woke up nice and early to head to Applebee's for David's Dream, a fundraiser for the American Lung Association run by Rachel in honor of her father. I had a ton of fun and I think the whole thing went over really well!

I went from Applebee's to tutoring in Massapequa right after. Wow, that feels like it was days ago.

Kristen and Steve picked me up and we played with Kristen's kittens for an hour before I had to leave and get ready for Dean's Eagle Ceremony.

The ceremony was a little bumpy but it sure was a fun ride. I think I spoke clearly and it was good practice for Monday. Dean, I'm so proud of you for all your hard work. Congrats!

Billy changed at my house and we followed Maddie to her house. We hung out there for a little before walking across the street to Dean's for dinner. I'm glad I got to bond with Mikayla tonight. I love Maddie. Momo is awesome and JFK is unbelievably lucky to have him. Billy rocks. John and Matt came a little later. They're cool too, I guess.

We ate dinner, talked, and hung out all night at Dean's. We roasted some marshmallows before going to Applebee's for half-off apps (hi friends).

Another wonderful day.

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