As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep?

I woke up with every intention of staying in bed and not running the Spinal Victory 5k I impulsively signed up for on Friday. A text from Timmy changed that and he picked me up and took me to the race.

All plans to stay together as a team flew out the window the minute we saw another runner move towards the front. His name is Shawn and he won the race this year and last year, but that doesn't mean we couldn't try to chase him for at least a little bit. I ended up coming in 2nd place overall, first in my age group, with a time of 17:49. Not too bad for my first run in a week.

Home to shower before an hour of tutoring.

When I got home from Massapequa I tried writing more of my speech. When that didn't work, I decided to run to Max's to pick up my bike that I left there on Friday. It was really hot out and it was nice to ride the bike home instead of running.

My grandma stopped in and I got to talk with her for a little bit before riding my bike to Rolling Thunder Practice. It was a little tougher than last week, but I'm starting to understand what Michael is trying to communicate to me. I'll get there.

This is a picture of me and Jamie with the adorable Max.

Bike ride home and a quick shower and dinner before driving to Kristin's house with Dan to finally work on the Tortola video.

Everything crashed, computers suck, no video was made.

I finished my speech a little while ago and it's not horrible. Now I just need to practice saying it. Good thing the dinner is tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha I'm nervous.

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