As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Varsity Dinner 2014

Happy birthday, Zach!

So I didn't go to gym again today, but Mrs. C saw me....oops.

I gave a crappy presentation about James Knox Polk to my gov class today. Sorry guys.

I practiced my speech twice, once with Timmy and Pat, and once with Richard.

I got blood taken during 5th and ate lunch with Kyle and Brent 6th.

Wrote a letter to myself in World Lit.

Hung out with Arcuri and Lopera 8th.

Attempted conducting band today, and got Hunter to sign my yearbook.

Tri-M rehearsal after school before I went home and got ready to run. I jogged to the track and did an improvised circuit. It wasn't too bad. Connor puked twice while doing his workout. Awesome. Chrissy and Ave ran back with me almost all the way to my house. Thanks bbs.

I showered, double-checked my speech, and left for the Varsity Dinner. We picked up Max on the way and I'm glad he came.

Lost of awards, we rock.

Mr. Brown managed to get me water when I needed it. Thanks, Mr. B.

It felt great giving my speech. Everyone in the audience was attentive and polite, and I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. It was a good experience.

I love these people.

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