Will Not Miss This

Monday was my first day of Summer break for me at work. I go down to only working one day a week for about 9 weeks. It is spectacular. I'm so very ready.

I got Sugar a ride into town to catch the bus for school, and I set to getting busy doing some "spring cleaning". I wanted to start my break with a bang, and get some stuff done that I've been letting slide. It felt good to be productive. The day went quickly, and soon it was time for me to go into town to fetch Sugar and deliver the last of our baby bunnies to her new home.

Sugar and I had a quiet evening at home, and it wasn't until after she was in bed that I realized that I hadn't touched my camera all day. I snapped this quick shot of some grapes, as I was packing Sugar's lunch for school. I am soooooooo ready to not have to pack both of our lunches each night. It is such a hassle. The break from this will be lovely.

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