Who knew...

Who knew bird photography could be so demanding? Getting up and down to find the right angle for a shot, kneeling to get eye-to-eye with short subjects (like snapping turtles), walking on uneven terrain...and that's only part of the demand on my not-so-flexible body, just to get the blip I want to capture. I should probably take a tip from this tree swallow and do my daily dozen (exercises) every morning. This morning I went for an early photo walk and had so much fun I didn't make it home for breakfast until 10:30 am. By that time I was tuckered out, stiff, and hungry, but I came home with some keepers. It was difficult deciding which one to blip for today, but I finally chose this tree swallow and posted the others on Flickr. If you have time to take a look, let me know if you think I made the right choice, and if you can identify the "unnamed bird" I would sure like to know what it is.

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