a town called E.

By Eej

I've got you, babe.

So there we were, wandering around on the golf course adjacent to the fancy hotel and suddenly we were surrounded by groundhogs. I, obvs, called them all Phil. These two Phils were not friends but tolerated each other for a little bit and then one of them wandered uphill and hung out with us for a bit. There was a Baby Phil as well but way too fast for me to capture.

Then we did the wedding rehearsal and had a lovely dinner. tIs a good bunch. We're all going to either have lots of fun together tomorrow. And possibly cry a lot. I brought extra tissues and will take photos of everything. Oh, and I shall be carted around the golf course in the morning to scope out the locations :)
The Beloved and me are in a king size bed. I don't know if I'll be able to find him in the morning!

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