.....is still a fly! I went out into the garden before the rain came (and it is hammering down now!) to take some photographs of the many beautiful flowers, intending to blip one or more of them, but when I went near the blackberry bushes, I noticed this little fly and as I don't do many insect blips thought it would be a good one for today.

When I came in, Mr. HCB got out his "British Wildlife" book and we think it is a Cleg-Fly or Common Horse Fly, Haematopota pluvialis. Reading on it says it feeds on blood and inflicts a painful bite - well I know that because some years ago, I had a very bad horse fly bite which caused me a lot of pain.

So, a rather fine looking fly, but with an underlying propensity to bite - it made me think - am I sometimes like that - I might look fine, but do I get upset by things people say or do, then "bite"? I think I know the answer, and my guess is, I am not alone! So I think I need to work on this side of me - even at my age!

Have a great weekend - and I hope you see the sun at some point!

Let my words and my thoughts
be pleasing to you, Lord,
because you are my mighty rock
and my protector.
Psalm 19:14 - Contemporary English Version

PS I think it's Mr HCB's fault it's raining - he planted his leeks yesterday but didn't "puddle" them in - so he prayed for rain - he assures me he asked for it to come overnight!!

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