Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC


Hello there! Thanks to everyone who commented on my 365th blip. I knew it was a long time coming since it was back in December, but times have been so busy. With work weeks of about 60 to almost 70 hours. I had no time or energy to do any entering. Now that the holidays are over, I have a lot of work ahead of me. I still need to backblip about three weeks of content and my time is still so precious. Finding the drive and energy to actually upload require lots of effort on my behalf. This year's resolution will be to try extra hard to be here everyday. Day one was supposed to be New Year's, but that didn't quite work out. haha.

Anyway who, say hello to these Chinese (or maybe Vietnamese, since this is a Vietnamese area of where I live) statues. They are in Westminster, California at the business district called Little Saigon. Everything in this area is Vietnamese- shops, cafés, and even a mall or highly frequented by the Vietnamese people and also not to forget other Asians - like me. This shrine seems to be dedicated to Confucius, who by the way is not pictured. This shire, behind a bustling grocery store, is really tranquil and peaceful. It would be nice to find some peace like this everyday.

btw, i barely managed to squeeze in write-ups for last batch of backblips. Sadly, I was late for four days worth of write-ups. The little pencil to edit had disappeared before I got to leave an edit window up.

Here's a tip - If you find yourself backblipping bunches of photos at once and don't get to add writing the first round, open up edit windows for each photo so that in case you pass five days without writing, you can still add a write-up.

You'll just get this message when clicking save changes, "Some errors occured:
You can modify your entries for 5 days after upload."

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