
By designbyday

My Dancing Shoes

I would love to take a photo of something outside rather than reflecting inwards on items I have around the flat. However it seems I am confined to being inside again today, so I decided to take a photo that is juxtaposed to my walking boots that I submitted on here yesterday.

These are my dancing shoes. Over a year ago I impulsively walked into a shoe shop that was closing down and consequently had huge price reductions. I didn't particularly need anything, however these caught my eye. They were the last pair and not my size. I was about to walk away when I saw they were only £5, so I had to at least try them on. They fitted my feet perfectly! So I bought them.

I've lost track of exactly how old they are. Considering I dance every week, I think they have lasted well. They are getting a bit tatty now however they are still comfy and I am hoping I will get a few more dances out of them before I have to bid them goodbye.

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