Pub lunch

Well we had a very busy day.
After sleeping all night even tho the thunder storm hit at about 4:30 waking me and Mr L! The boys were ready to get going.
We have managed in the last few days to get food into them before bottles and we haven't grumped for bottles all day and have managed to reduce the amount of milk we have had only by a few ounces but it's a start.
We also swapped the formula in our weetabix with whole milk and had a bottle of cows milk instead of formula as I've decided to introduce it into the boys diet bit by bit instead of a dramatic change when we get to one. So far so good.

We went to Cowbridge to go to a shop that sells vintage and upcycled stuff to find a kitchen table. And yay we got one lovely old table with drop leave sides. It's square not the round style I really wanted but we haven't been able to find one. We also got four lovely chairs to go with it and they should be delivered next week. There was a gorgeous wing backed chair that I fell in love with but Mr L said no :-( I want to change the chair in the boys room and it was supposedly too girly humph!!

We popped into a localish pub on the way home for some lunch and the boys were wonderfully behaved and had fish fingers, chips and peas (a fair amount went in).

In the afternoon we wandered along to a family fun day in the village (run by one of the churches). It was being held in doors due to today's unpredictable weather. It was a little bit of a let down think it would have been better if it was outside.
I'm really hoping our event goes well next week I'm now really worried about it :-(

All this activity has worn the boys out, they went down without any fuss and other than a small wake up (think the cat may have disturbed them) they have been asleep since before 7. I wonder if they'll sleep all night again???

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