
By middaypyjamas


My weekend work once again allowed me an opportunity to blip. This helicopter passed overhead as I was about to get into my car where luckily my camera waited. Work and blip both sorted by twelve o'clock, not bad.

I then spent most of the afternoon working on my piece for the writing competition Jonathan and I are both entering that I mentioned a couple of days back. It was tougher than I thought. One, the word count isn't very high which restricted me more that I originally realised. And two, Jonathan and I gave each other various story points we had to work in to the piece, so it took me a while to figure out just how I was going to do that. Once I started though the writing quickly took over and I had a lot of fun working on it.

The evening saw me driving over to Richmond for a friends party for some low key drinking and chatter.

- Damian

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