my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


the top of the tulips blipped before. starting to look worse for wear. Like I was feeling today.

Felt pretty low this morning as a result of last nights troubles. First day since Dex was born that I just wanted a day off from being a mum.
I'm rubbish at asking for help, especially when it means actually speaking to people when you're feeling emotional. Fortunately, Sam's mum phoned to make plans for the evening and, offered to take Dexter out for a while today to give me a break. Like I say, I'm not good at asking for help, but I knew I needed it so over she came. I felt so much better for a half hour nap!
I know we've had it so easy compared to some mums I know. I feel for them.

The evening was great fun though. Dexter's aunt, uncle and cousin came round to see him in person for the first time. His cousin, Huxley, was put down on the floor to show off his new found talent of crawling and made a bee-line straight for Dexter. He was, and is, fascinated. It's great to see.

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