Bliped on secret mission

21:14 in the evening and continued until well after 22:00 mowing one of the horse fields in preparation for tomorrow. I don't think Angie could work out what I was up to.

First hot day of a series to come. Quickly went over to GP to collect a prescription for some (medication) cream as the practice is closed next week for a weeks holiday. Group GP practices are still fairly rare in these parts. There is however a group of local GPs in the surrounding area who cover for each but it seems rather inefficent particularly as there is no central database. We all have credit card type passes for medical treatment but it only holds the insurance registration details and no medical history. The fear of NSA/GHQ et al. continues to delay such things. I would rather in the case of emergency eg car crash, the hospitals had all my data about blood group, allergy etc easily at hand.

On the way home, there were wonderful views to the various alp ranges. Really heart lifting stuff especially with the temperatures set to soar over 30°C this weekend. I suspect tochterpleach who lives right on the edge of the alps that she will have a spectacular weekend, until the thunderstorms eventually come! Although of course the storms are usually quite a spectacle themselves.

Spent most of the day trying to avoid the sun & heat, emerging in the evening for the secret mission.

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