Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Awards Ceremony!

This was the day I had to get ready for Bunco at my house. I also spent 3 hours volunteering at the school and had two awards ceremonies to attend! Oh, and a daisy meeting to help lead. it was a lot, but it all came together!

Ben recieved a Science Award!! Pretty darn good from a Science Magnet School! It's the first time he has gotten an academic award! His other awards has been for "Effort" and "Truthfulness" .... a gratuitous award so every one in the class gets some kind of award during the year. He was very proud of himself, even though he hid his face most the time!

Katrina recieved the "Kindness" Award! (Perhaps gratuitous, but she's only in first grade...she'll have plenty of academic awards in her educational career.) But, truly, she earned this award. She is a very sweet kid and is an angel for her teacher.

Their principal makes such a wonderful fuss over the award recipients! Announces them as "Future Scientists" , "Future Accountants", and " Future Nobel Peace Prize Recipients", and " Future Authors". Then she really plays up the awards on character, which will carry them through their entire lives!

I did survive my bunco night. I'm backblipping....four days worth....ugh.

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