Coming and Going

Today was a travel day. After being gallantly deposited curbside by my son (Happy Birthday Kim!) I stepped into what felt like a beehive of activity with travelers buzzing about, coming and going, walking, running, looking happy, looking angry, looking confused, and all of them intent on getting somewhere, somewhere that required an airplane.

Since I was quite early, I had the luxury of enjoying my coffee in a very comfy armchair and observing the early travelers scrambling to and fro. I wondered where each was going to or coming from and how serendipitous it was that our lives converged right here at this very moment. One thing was quite apparent: of those that were sitting and waiting, easily 95% of them were engrossed in their smart phones. (not me, I was watching THEM being engrossed)

Today's flight was again on Virgin America, my new favorite airline. I decided to take a shot very similar to last year's. One difference, besides the wilder colors, is the couple in the middle having a nice chat across the aisle.

Everything went smoothly and on time, so the East Coast Adventure 2014 officially begins.

Come fly away!

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