
By elfin

Worth a try

Another trip to the midwife and still the baby hasn't engaged. Is looking more and more likely that there's a reason for it - big head, small pelvis (which would be ironic as I always thought one of the benefits of my curves is that I have good child bearing hips - maybe not!!). But still going to try everything I can to get it moving and labour started naturally as I read up on induction and is so far from what I want. Trying hard to keep positive and not worry as apparently stress isn't conducive to labour starting either.

The fella is being great - he worked from home today so he could come to the midwife with me. I know it is hard for him too as am sure he feels even less in control than me and is also struggling to get motivated at work when he knows he's got 2 weeks off very soon! Then mum and dad came over this afternoon followed by the in-laws and sis-in-law this evening. I've been genuinely touched by how supportive people have been from texts to visits - well all except my sister who I haven't heard from in months. But I won't go there as will stress me out!

Today's help the baby along tactics: pineapple (a whole one!), massage with clary sage oil, ball bouncing, walking, hot curry, raspberry leaf tablets.

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