Complete Loomy...

I could get used to this Tuesday off thing. That two in a row. It was meant to be a 'help Ewan's class' with school trip but was scuppered on two counts by A) Too many helpers, and B) Ewan was off school anyways.

I could have probably just gone to work but hey, loads of holidays to take and it's a nice wee bonus day to do some of those wee tasks that do generally get airtime in the normal run of things.

So if you've been down to your local play park, you might have seen these wee coloured rubber bands lying about. I certainly have. I've been thrust head long into the world of Rainbow Loom rubber band bracelets. Bethany got some rubber bands and we made simple knotted bracelets but apparently, but full kit comes with a big plastic loom. I made her a temporary one from an old skateboard and a load of nails. Works quite well until birthday arrive in the next couple of weeks.

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