
By Angelique


Took Phoebe with me to work today as Mr A had to take his car into the garage as his car needed a new windscreen. She was very well behaved and remembered the "pack" drill.
Work was very quiet and I was glad of her company.

This afternoon managed to grind all the edges of the glass on my new project. But I have also gained a few new holes in my finger tips as the edges were quite sharp. Must remember not to get the cuts near fruit juice etc, something I forgot before to my peril!

So Phoebe's walk was delayed until late afternoon and there is something very special about the light at that time of day. This is the village stream, blipped on many previous occasions but I liked the way the Cow Parsley has grown up masking the view.

Sorry this is very late and I'm finding it difficult to concentrate and not fall asleep.

Thank you for the lovely comments on yesterday's pond collage, you are very kind. Now all that I have to do is check the slug/snail population in the back garden to make sure they are not feasting on my plants.

I will now stop rabbitting on and wish you all a peaceful good night's sleep. Sending hugs~~~~~xx

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