'Nice to see you...to see you Nice!'

My first visit to Nice in 1986 changed the course of my life. I had been living for three years in Orkney as a young man and suddenly I saw another way of very colourful life that made me more than a little unsettled; there was a limited social life in Kirkwall and although it wasn't quite lining up at the pier to see who came off the boat, it wasn't far off it! So, within a month I had resigned and within three months was back in Edinburgh which led, of course, to meeting Dd! So, Nice has a lot to answer for!

I ran into a Europe wide taxi strike as I tried to get to the airport, and ended up paying a private individual to take me there in his car...and then they were all on strike when I reached Barcelona, too!

Thank you, all you romantics, for your response to yesterday's blip...very unexpected but heartwarming! Maybe I should write for Mills and Boon!

Nice in LARGE

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