The plumber

I love him so.
His infinite patience with my ongoing situation.
I feel like he is the only person in the world who really understands me, knows what is really happening, what I really feel like and because of that, he is the only person that I don't want to scream at on a daily basis. Well, him and James to be fair.

I have had a day where I have been pulled from pillar to post, shown courtesy and also an abject lack of it, realised that systems fall down and that usually that will mean my head is on the block, understood that what is written and spoken often belies the reality of a situation, found out that some people are kind and some act without thinking and ultimately it has dawned on me that I am struggling to cope again, but that if I give in, my days will be long and my nights longer still and I need work, and my work family, to make life bearable, despite it being stressful and feeling that I can't do right for wrong.

At least at home when I am a Plumber's Wife (and a Skateboarder's mum) I don't feel like I do everything wrong.

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