Turlinjah Days

By mrsoapy

Sydney cross country

Today's blip is our little lad & three friends just before their cross country race. We left home at 6.15am this morning, arrived at Eastern Creek Raceway Sydney at 11.00am, the kids walked the course then raced, we left Sydney just before 3pm & arrived home at 7.30pm. Our lad came 90th out of about 95.
This happens every year, my boys all do very well at any sport they take part in at a school level, ( big fish tiny pond) most of the time they do reasonably OK at an inter-school level but when we get through to an independent schools in NSW level they get thrashed. But each year I end up driving 9 hours to Sydney so the kids can get thrashed in a much bigger "pond". Some years because of the times of events we've had to go up the night before, book hotel rooms, take days off work & drive 9 hours.
Next year I'm going to tie their legs together.

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