If You Could See Me Now




"Money is like muck, not good except it be spread." - Francis Bacon

These quotes from my diary are begining to pretty much sum up my days!!

I brought the most amazing pair of skinny levis jeans today :) $80 thank you very much!

I got some cloud paper clips - half price! (speaking of clouds.. The ones outside atm are pretty wicked!! Look like they're falling!)

I brought some new headphones - cheap ones, but had some lady with kids push in front of me and the guy in front of me - just coz you have kids, love, DOES NOT make you able to push in.

Brought some t-shirts and a cardi with a $50 voucher and some help from Mum.

I'd like to thank Christie, another of Mum's awsome friends, who helped me pick stuff out :) :)

This little duck is in the sea.

This is very fitting - the colour of the duck - because every item of clothing i brought today was a shade of blue...

My feet and the sleeve of my jersey got VERY wet!

It was great fun though - having trouble with this no cat or flower thing i have going at the mo..

Note: Whole I was waiting for this blip to load I played about 50 games of Solitaire - winning... 3.

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