Rocks at Takapuna

Went to the hospital early and took a run before work from there. I had hoped to see a dramatic sunrise, but the clouds on the horizon were a little too dense; this photo was taken at the official time for sunrise in Auckland, and was the most colour seen during my run.

It was about high tide, perhaps a little past (although it felt to me like the water was coming higher up onto the rocks while I was there). Takapuna is somewhat exposed to the waters of the Hauraki Gulf (Rangitoto, to the right here, offers a bit of a barrier), and the waves breaking on the rocks provided some good spray.

This was my best attempt at getting sunrise, breaking waves, and Rangitoto in one picture. It needed a little bit of straightening and I did crop out some excess sky, plus a few rocks to the left. The final image is rather pleasing when seen large.

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