Looking For Narnia...

I was off work today but unfortunately Tom and I had to spend much of it struggling with the Worlds Worst Piece of Flatpack Furniture, in the shape of a massive wardrobe. Luckily I took a break in the middle of the day to pop into town and managed, by and large, to remain serene, despite a series of incompetent setbacks worthy of the Chuckle Brothers ("you always say that" said Tom, when I made the comparison this time...), and it was left to Tom to handle most of the swearing and banging about (which is only fair, since it's his wardrobe anyway...) So, when we finally knocked off - at about half nine this evening - the WWPFF was still lacking doorhandles (because that involves getting the drill out again) and it's internal shelf (because that involves dismantling a drawer to get the shelf round the mis-aligned door-hinge) but was otherwise looking suitably sturdy and finished and even fastened to the wall...

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