
A couple of things I’ve been meaning to mention. Firstly, that I’m in short sleeves today so it must finally be summer. I dug my couple of summer shirts out yesterday actually but they were a bit wardrobe-y so I ran them through the wash last night to refresh them for the coming season.

Secondly, I meant to big-up my efforts with the half-moon lawn edging tool over the weekend. Never have my pathways looked so neat. Every time I come in the front gate it makes me smile and even Katie noticed when she got back from her weekend away with school on Sunday afternoon. Finally, I’ve entered the ranks of the properly suburban.

Also, there’ve been some brilliant pre-Glastonbury soundbites this year. Apparently Jarvis Cocker has said that he’s worried that Metallica might be “a bit abrasive” for the Saturday night headline slot. Mogwai, meanwhile, said that they weren’t worried about going on opposite the metal behemoths because Metallica are “shite”. Then I read this morning that Billy Bragg has said that Kasabian have a useful purpose after all, “to remind us how true Spinal Tap was.” You can always rely on Mr. Bragg for an amusing soundbite.

Oh, and one last bit of vintage reggae, and probably my favourite, is Ken Boothe's 'Everything I Own', also from '74 (definitely a good year for roots) even it's perhaps a little bit pop for the purists. The pause just as Ken comes in on the back of the intro alone is pure genius...

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