
By TynvdB

The smiling Arch

Our natural window is a gift from our Guardian Oaktree. For the eye in various perpectives, the outlook into “the world” moves in constant change. It’s not only the season or the hour of the day, which gives so many different photo’s. But the meanings, moods, compositions and colours over there reflect my inner being as it communicates in and through this being-in-the-world, over here and deeper down. It is always rhythmically sensing through this in-between over there and in here, that an art of painting, writing, photographing, resources its way of transforming the deep invisibilities of my soul - or inner being - into the rhythmic flowing of colours, forms in formation, patterning of meanings and symbols.

Perhaps, my dear friends, you think now that all this is going too far in the “abstract”, in “ theory” or “whatever”, you will name it. But let me ask you for some more patience. Every dedicated Blipper has his or her favorite subjects, places, views, loved ones, hours and seasons. That’s where you feel connected most intensely in communicating through your lens or viewer. In spite of or mediated by all your technical means, something “real” is going on, something you can not explain or understand on the level of reason. You can call that following your intuition, or heart felt attraction. But that is not what I try to put into words now. Let me try again.

Today’s photo is about the fifth in succession giving you a view from under the “arch” bow of our Guardian Oak. Those of the 10th of June and 28th of April share the view from the working table in my “library”. Where I love to sit, reflecting and musing, and write as I do now. Today you have a higher “view from the terrace” than the one you could see on the 7th of April. Both the latter ones give a full view of and through the Arch. Those of June and April show less of the framing Arch and are more intimate. But all of them are gifts of our Guardian Oak.

So, here you have all these variations in introversion-extraversion, far external versus intimate outlook, all centered towards or displaying from this Oaktree in our front garden. But still all this information says nothing on the way I was tuning in that moment of taking the photo. The way I try to transform that communication between my inner being at that moment with one of my most intimate views: “from the South-window”, to transform that in a poietical way into “creation”.

And if this still has “nothing” to say to you about the way you see that “arched branch” amidst all the greens, never mind. That’s perfectly al right. No problem. Nothing to worry.. By the way, do you happen to “know” that Zen-Koan: “The Oak Tree in the Front Garden”? There is a real bandit in it. Let’s practice that koan for the next future. Without words and without pictures, smiling in silence like our Guardian.

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