
By chantler63


I was photographing 'Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat' for a chunk of the afternoon (Junior department production) so only had a little time to search for Jaws (DDW's June movie Challenge- perhaps 'Joseph should have been the movie/musical).

Anyway, before heading for home, I wandered down to the lake in search of a large fish. Not being able to walk on water, I sprinkled crumbs from a custard cream biscuit in the hope of attracting said fish, it seems that fish do not take to custard creams! This is the best I could do thanks to a bit of luck and some image enhancement software!

'Jaws' is not a film that attracted me and I don't think even now that I would watch it. The plot seems roughly to be: Chrissie Watkins leaves a beach party at dusk on Amity Island and goes skinny dipping. While swimming out near a buoy, she is seized by something from below; it thrashes her around and drags her underwater.
Chrissie is reported missing and her remains are later found on the beach. The medical examiner informs Brody that she was killed by a shark. There are fears that reports of a shark attack will ruin the summer tourist season, the town's primary source of income, and so the death is attributed to a boating accident.
The shark then kills a young boy swimming at the beach. His mother places a bounty on the shark, sparking an amateur shark-hunting frenzy and attracting the attention of local professional shark hunter Quint, who offers to kill the shark for $10,000. Marine biologist Matt Hooper examines Chrissie's remains and determines that she was killed by a shark, not a boat.
The ending seems to be that the shark is blown to pieces and the ‘stars’ escape unscathed.

Common Entrance results out today! I fared well with the English results so will leave on a 'high' with an excellent crop of 'A' grades; a few surprises but in the right direction - up not down- plus the English prize for a pupil from a top public school!

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