A Secret About A Secret

By pixel8

House For An Art Lover

Dr T and I visited Glasgow for a couple of days. Last night we were at the Pavilion Theatre to see Dawn French in her moving production Thirty Million Minutes. This morning we visited the House For an Art Lover Bellahouston Park. This is a slightly unusual house, designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh in 1901, but only built to his plans in the 1990's The design was actually his 1901 entry into a competition for a house to be built in Southern Germany. The entry was however disqualified for some reason and of course the house was never built until 90 years later. The beauty of this place is that you are free to sit on the chairs, free to touch the furniture, free to take photographs and even play the grand piano. House for an art lover is essentially a " fake" in the sense that whilst the layout and furniture are all modern replicas the appearance and feel is totally authentic. It really was a lovely place for a wander and to take in the CR Mackintosh atmosphere.

I am sure most people will be aware that one of Mackintosh's jewels, the Glasgow Art School suffered a huge blow last month when it was hit by a devastating fire which as it happens unfolded right infront of my eyes. I am pleased to say that this visit to Glasgow was free from major trauma and passed off without incident!

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